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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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News in 2017

Kansas Literacy Week Proclaimed by Governor

Aug. 21, 2017 The Teachers College

On Friday, Aug. 18, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback declared the week of Sept. 3 through 9 Kansas Literacy Week as a result of efforts put forth by the Kansas Masonic Literacy Center and Emporia State University. Kansas Literacy Week coincides with Library Card Sign-up Month, National Read a Book Day (Sept. 6), and International Literacy Day (Sept. 8).

A Solar Eclipse to Start the Semester

Aug. 15, 2017 None

To ensure that all who want to see the eclipse can do so, ESU will dismiss noon classes at 12:30, and delay 1 o’clock classes until 1:30 p.m.

Campus Closed Friday

July 20, 2017 None

Our Emporia campus will be closed tomorrow (Friday) to allow our Facilities crews to get our systems back online and identify any potential problem areas.

New Comedy is Final Summer Theatre Production

July 17, 2017 None

ESU’s 63rd annual season of Summer Theatre opens its final show July 26-29 at 7:30 p.m. with Tom Dudzick’s charming new comedy “Miracle on South Divison Street,” directed by Bob Hart.

Students Place in Top 10 at National Conference

July 14, 2017 None

Two School of Business students placed in the top 10 in the nation recently at the 2017 Phi Beta Lambda National Leadership Conference held June 24 through 27 in Anaheim, California.