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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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News in 2017

UNABOMer Case Focus of Presentation

April 2, 2017 None

A former FBI explosives expert, hosted by Emporia State’s forensics program, will speak on the UNABOMer case and its investigation, presenting information that has never been seen by the public. Dr. Thomas Jourdan, in a free seminar titled “The Mind of the UNABOMer,” will share his expertise at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 6, in Science Hall 72.

Women's History Month Reception and Awards Ceremony

March 30, 2017 None

Join the women and men of the Emporia community in celebration of the 2017 Women’s History Month Reception and Awards Ceremony on March 31. The recipients of this year’s Ruth Schillinger Award, Dr. Mary F. Headrick Award, and Susan B. Anthony Scholarship also will be honored.

International Cuisine Showcased at Annual Festival

March 27, 2017 None

Explore the global village that is Emporia State University as Emporia State international students showcase their native cuisines and cultures during the annual International Food Festival. The event will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 1, in Webb Hall of the Memorial Union.

Ambassadors Win Awards at Regional Conference

March 26, 2017 None

During the Council for Advancement and Support of Education District VI conference for Affiliated Student Advancement Programs in Lincoln, Nebraska, ESU Ambassadors earned three of four awards.

Get your MLS in South Dakota

March 15, 2017 None

The School of Library and Information Management (SLIM) at Emporia State University, is happy to announce a new cohort location. Beginning in the Fall of 2017, SLIM will be offering classes in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.