Explore the theatres at Emporia State University
The Ronald Q. Frederickson Theatre
The Ronald Q. Frederickson Theatre, completed January 2001, is the ESU Theatre's second production venue. The theatre space was originally a gymnasium.
The Frederickson is a small black box that provides a flexible space for many small- to medium-sized productions and class projects. Portable risers are used to create a variety of stage and seating configurations for audiences of 100 to 125.
Production support is provided with a small scene shop, several storage rooms and a large dressing room. A large control booth is located on the upper level overlooking the stage from the west wall.
The stage lighting system by ETC uses an Expression Two console. The lighting grid is positioned 20 feet above the deck. Stage lighting fixtures are primarily by Colortran and Strand. The sound system has a 12-channel mixer and three stereo amplifiers. Nine speaker jacks are located around the stage.

The Inez P. Friesen Studio
The Inez P. Friesen Studio, located adjacent to the Frederickson Theatre, is designed for acting and movement classes and serves as the primary rehearsal space for department productions. The room features a sprung wood floor, mirrors along one wall, two changing rooms and space for storage of rehearsal furniture and props. Curtains and a two-scene preset console for stage lighting make this a venue for class presentations.

The Karl C. Bruder Theatre
The Karl C. Bruder Theatre, constructed in 1967, is the primary production home for University Theatre. A traditional proscenium stage with excellent sight lines and acoustics, the theatre has a seating capacity of 388.
The scene shop, located directly upstage of the Bruder stage, provides a small but effective working space. The shop is fully equipped for woodworking, welding and has a 40 X 20 ft counter-weighted paint frame. A large tool crib plus restrooms with lockers and showers are adjacent to the scene shop. A freight elevator provides access to a large storage space for furniture and props.
The costume shop located on the lower level is well equipped with sewing machines, sergers and laundry facilities. Two 12 person dressing rooms with adjacent toilet and shower are located across the hall from the costume shop. The department maintains a large stock of period and modern costumes which are stored on this level.