Speech + Theatre, Bachelor of Science in Education
Teach Speech + Theatre
Bachelor of Science in Education, Speech + Theatre (Grades 6-12)
Students in this program can elect a concentration in theatre or forensics or both. Our award-winning theatre department has a number of productions each year, offering you valuable experience that will be put to good use in your teaching career.
What can you do with this degree?
The Bachelor of Science in Education with a teaching field of Speech and Theatre prepares you to teach speech, theatre, debate, forensics, and radio/television in grades 6-12.
How do you become a teacher in this area through ESU?
The teacher education program is a joint responsibility of this department and the department overseeing middle and secondary education. Learn more about what is involved in becoming a teacher in this area.
Degree Requirements
See complete degree requirements for Speech and Theatre Education.
Licensure Testing
During the Student Teaching Semester (or before applying for licensure), the student must pass the Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam and content area exam(s).

You have support
At Emporia State University, we’re here to help you achieve your educational and career goals. All new ESU students are automatically members of the Stinger Success Program.
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King Hall 201G
Campus Box 4033
Emporia, KS 66801