Athletic Bands
Show your Hornet pride
Marching Band, MU 245
Marching Band class meeting times and required performances:
Course number: MU245A Marching Band
For the first eight weeks of the fall semester, the band meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:00-5:00 pm. For the second eight weeks of the fall semester, the band meets Monday and Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 pm and Friday from 3:00-5:00 pm. For the entire semester: ALL Saturday & Thursday Home Football Games, a weekly sectional, three parades, and additional possible performances (playoffs, honor band performance, community performances, etc.) are course requirements.
All Emporia State Marching Hornets, Colorguard and Stingers dorm residents will have one opportunity to move in early. Dorm Move-In will be on August 13th. Visit the Residential Life page for more information on move-in.
Athletic Band Scholarships
The Athletic Band Scholarships will be distributed as follows:
Fall Scholarship Awards:
All members of the Marching Hornets, Colorguard, Hornet Cheer and Stingers Dance Team will each receive a $2,000 scholarship.
Auditioned Student Leadership are eligible to receive additional scholarships.
Spring Scholarship Awards:
Selected members of the Hornet Revue Pep Band and Spirit Teams are eligible for a $1,500 scholarship.
For questions, please contact Dr. William Woodworth at

For more information on the athletic bands, band camp, Stingers Dance Team, ESU Colorguard and Hornet Cheer audition visit this page: Emporia State University Marching Hornets & Stingers Dance Team.
Emporia State University Marching Festival
Each year a marching festival is held on campus.