Effective: August 15, 2024
Purpose: To outline the policy regarding activities that may interfere with the conduct of the institution.
Scope: This policy applies to the University campus wide.
Responsible Office: President’s Office; Human Resources; Division of Student Success
Policy Statement: Actions by faculty, staff, students, or visitors which unnecessarily and unreasonably obstruct or interfere with the teaching, scholarly activity (research), or learning functions or other normal and necessary activities of the University, or which create an imminent threat of danger to persons or property, may constitute grounds for suspension, dismissal, or termination, or permanent exclusion from the campus.
A person having any association with the University may participate in or have any association with any demonstration at any of the institutions under the control of the Board of Regents only when such activities do not exceed the bounds of free assembly and lawful advocacy.
Persons participating in a demonstration shall not engage in any unlawful acts which cause or imminently threaten injury to persons or property, or which in any way obstructs or interferes with the normal and necessary activities of the University.
Persons having a formal association with any of the state educational institutions shall not engage in conduct that unreasonably obstructs teaching, research and learning.
Persons having a formal association with any of the state educational institutions shall not unreasonably obstruct free access to members or guests of the University or to any of the University’s buildings.
Persons having a formal association with any of the state educational institutions shall not damage the University’s property or injure members or guests of the the University.
Persons having a formal association with any of the state educational institutions shall not disobey the general rules of conduct of the University or of the regulations promulgated by the state Board of Regents.
Persons having a formal association with any of the state educational institutions shall not cause any disturbance or breach of the peace or in any way violate any of the rules and regulations of residence halls or other places or in any building in which students or faculty members assemble.
Persons having a formal association with any of the state educational institutions shall not use profane or vulgar language in a threatening or disruptive manner nor engage in rude or challenging behavior in or upon any of the University’s properties, including residence halls and organized living groups.
The President of ESU will take such action as is necessary to carry out the purport of the rules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Regents or any rule and regulation governing the conduct of any and all students, faculty members and other employees of the respective institutions by suspension or other disciplinary action as appropriate, such to be in accordance with procedures established within the University for the government of students, faculty members and other employees.
In order to ensure due process any student, faculty member or other employee suspended, or who might receive other disciplinary action on the grounds of violating any of the premises of these regulations, as well as all other rules and regulations established by the Board of Regents, as well as those established by the University, shall have at their discretion the right of review of the action by the governing board constituted at the University to handle disciplinary matters.
Definitions: All words and phrases shall be interpreted utilizing their plain meanings unless otherwise defined in another University or Board of Regents policy or by statute or regulation.
Formal Association - As used in this policy shall mean enrolled students, faculty members and other employees.
Procedures: All procedures linked and related to the policies above shall have the full force and effect of policy if said procedures have first been properly approved by the University’s administrator in charge of Human Resources procedures, Division of Student Success, and General University procedures.
[President’s Office procedures - coming soon]
[Human Resources procedures - coming soon]
[Division of Student Success - coming soon]
Related Policy Information: [coming soon]