Effective: August 15, 2024
Purpose: To outline the requirements for food served on the University’s campus.
Scope: This policy applies to all areas of the University campus.
Responsible Office: Campus and Facilities
Policy Statement: Dining operations, concessions, retail food sales, and catering on campus are governed by the terms of a contractual agreement between the University and its selected food service provider. Information on specific requirements or restrictions is available through the Memorial Union.
Definitions: All words and phrases shall be interpreted utilizing their plain meanings unless otherwise defined in another University or Board of Regents policy or by statute or regulation.
Procedures: All procedures linked and related to the policies above shall have the full force and effect of policy if said procedures have first been properly approved by the University’s administrator in charge of Campus and Facilities.
[Campus and Facilities procedures - coming soon]
Related Policy Information: [coming soon]