Effective: August 15, 2024
Purpose: Provides a framework for evaluating and accepting credits earned at one institution for transfer toward a graduate degree at Emporia State University.
Scope: This policy applies to all University graduate students.
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs; Registrar’s Office
Policy Statement: Graduate credits earned from regionally accredited institutions are eligible for transfer toward Master's, Specialist in Education, or Doctoral degrees, subject to the following conditions:
- A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of credit can be transferred into a University program requiring fewer than forty (40) hours of graduate coursework, or up to fifteen (15) semester hours for programs requiring forty (40) or more hours. However, individual programs reserve the right to lower this limit at their discretion.
- If a graduate student is enrolled in two programs simultaneously, the accepted transfer hours can be applied to one of the two degree programs or divided between them. However, the total transfer credit cannot be applied separately to each degree program.
- Transfer credits must have earned a grade of “B-“ or higher.
- Official transcripts of all transfer coursework must be on record with the Graduate School before submitting degree plans. The courses must be current or completed within a timeframe of seven (7) years.
- Transfer courses require approval from both the academic unit’s administrative supervisor and the Dean of the Graduate School and Distance Education.
- The transfer credits must be applicable toward a graduate degree at the institution where the coursework was completed.
- Courses with "P" grades earned from other accredited institutions can be transferred, but the combined total of transfer "P" grades and "P" grades earned at the University that are used to fulfill degree requirements cannot exceed forty percent (40%) of the total credit hours for the degree. While transfer credits can be applied to the degree plan, grades earned from transfer credits do not contribute to grade point averages.
Definitions: All words and phrases shall be interpreted utilizing their plain meanings unless otherwise defined in another University or Board of Regents policy or by statute or regulation.
Procedures: All procedures linked and related to the policies above shall have the full force and effect of policy if said procedures have first been properly approved by the University’s administrator in charge of Academic Affairs.
[Academic Affairs procedures - coming soon]
Related Policy Information: [coming soon]