Effective: August 15, 2024
Purpose: To outline the responsibilities and requirements for Teaching Assistants.
Scope: This policy applies to all Teaching Assistants campus wide.
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Statement:
Undergraduate Teachings Assistants
An Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) serves as a support role for faculty. Duties may include leading discussion sessions, reviewing content already covered by faculty in tutoring sessions, and assisting with classroom and laboratory setup. To lead discussion sessions or tutor, the UTA must have completed the coursework with a grade better than a “B”. UTAs may instruct only with the supervision of the instructor-of-record who is always present in the classroom or online. UTAs may not collect or distribute any graded assignments or exams. There are no exemptions for these UTA policies.
Graduate Teaching Assistants
A Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) serves in an instructional role as an apprentice teacher under a supervising faculty. Duties may include instruction; leading discussion sessions; conducting help and/or tutoring sessions; assisting with classroom and laboratory setup; help faculty prepare lectures and course materials; grading papers, exams, laboratory reports, projects, and class homework; and performing other duties pertaining to the instructional mission of the University.
All GTAs are required to complete coursework, or equivalent, in instruction provided by their respective academic unit to ensure knowledge of the teaching processes and effective instruction. This factor is a condition of employment. Exemptions for GTAs may only be granted by the Dean of the Graduate School.
All Teaching Assistants (UTA and GTA) must complete annual confidentiality (FERPA) training, annual Title IX training, and sign a confidentiality agreement. Records are retained by the academic unit.
Faculty supervising UTAs and GTAs must complete supervising training yearly and must complete annual confidentiality (FERPA) training and annual Title IX training.
Definitions: All words and phrases shall be interpreted utilizing their plain meanings unless otherwise defined in another University or Board of Regents policy or by statute or regulation.
Procedures: All procedures linked and related to the policies above shall have the full force and effect of policy if said procedures have first been properly approved by the University’s administrator in charge of Academic Affairs.
[Academic Affairs procedures - coming soon]
Related Policy Information: [coming soon]