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Effective: August 15, 2024

Purpose: To establish the timeframe to complete graduation requirements for undergraduate students.

Scope: This policy applies to all University undergraduate students seeking an undergraduate degree.

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Policy Statement: Students who have applied for a degree and have a degree analysis on file in the Registration office are granted a maximum of ten (10) years from the date of filing the degree analysis to fulfill the remaining degree requirements outlined in that analysis. However, external agency requirements may supersede this time limit. Schools, colleges, and academic units have the authority to establish alternative time limit policies specific to certain programs or major requirements, which must be detailed in the undergraduate catalog.

Students who have not applied for a degree and do not have a degree analysis on file may complete the degree requirements in effect at the University at the time of their initial enrollment in any accredited college or university. Exceptions to this policy arise if different requirements are mandated by external agencies or if students demonstrate a lack of reasonable continuity in their education, defined as completing fewer than twenty-five (25) semester hours of credit in the immediate past five (5) calendar years. If exceptions apply, such as external agency requirements or a lack of reasonable continuity in education, the Registration office will notify the student accordingly.

In special cases where determination is required regarding which general education or university-wide degree requirements must be met, the Director of General Education will make the final decision.

Definitions: All words and phrases shall be interpreted utilizing their plain meanings unless otherwise defined in another University or Board of Regents policy or by statute or regulation.

Procedures: All procedures linked and related to the policies above shall have the full force and effect of policy if said procedures have first been properly approved by the University’s administrator in charge of Academic Affairs.

[Academic Affairs procedures - coming soon]

Related Policy Information: 4.33 - Credit Hours; 4.60 - Graduation Requirements – Undergraduate; 4.62 - Application for Graduation

History and Revisions

Adoption Date:
11/12/1987 [FSB 87002 approved by President and included in UPM as Policy 4C.0101.03]
Revision Date:
11/07/2011 [FSB 11003 approved by President]
02/10/2011 [FSB 20004 approved by President]
08/15/2024 [Policy format updated as part of UPM revision]