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Effective: August 15, 2024

Purpose: To provide a reasonable means by which such a student can resume work toward a college degree without having to be severely burdened by their past record.

Scope: This policy applies to all undergraduate students, who in the past accumulated a poor academic record at Emporia State University or at any other two or four year accredited institution and either chose not to return to school or was required to withdraw, and who may desire, after a period of months or years, to return to an academic pursuit.

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs; Registrar’s Office

Policy Statement: The Vice President for Academic Affairs, or an officer whom they designate, shall be responsible for establishing an academic record review committee for each academic year.

The function of this committee shall be to approve or disapprove the exclusion from the computation of a student’s grade-point average certain "F" and/or "D" grades earned by an undergraduate student who returns, re-enrolls, or is reinstated to probationary status after a twelve (12) month absence from an accredited institution and who petitions the committee in writing for a review of their case.

Grades earned in courses required for the student’s chosen major and in any other courses specifically required for their degree program may not be excluded from the computation of the grade-point average.

The exclusion of grades shall not become effective until the student has completed at least fifteen (15) semester hours of work beyond what they had taken at the time of re-enrollment or reinstatement and has earned for this additional work an overall GPA of at least 2.0.

The granting of the exclusion of certain grades from the computation of their grade point average may occur only once in a student’s undergraduate academic career at ESU. Grades which have been excluded from the computation of a student’s grade-point average shall be so designated on their transcript by an appropriate means. When a course has been excluded from the computation of the grade-point average, it shall not be counted for graduation.

Definitions: All words and phrases shall be interpreted utilizing their plain meanings unless otherwise defined in University or Board of Regents policy or by statute or regulation.

Procedures: All procedures linked and related to the policies above shall have the full force and effect of policy if said procedures have first been properly approved by the University’s administrator in charge of Academic Affairs.

[Academic Affairs procedures - coming soon]

Related Policy Information: N/A

History and Revisions

Adoption Date:
08/15/2024 Adopted Date Unknown: [Included in UPM as Policy 4H]
Revision Date:
05/13/1976 [FSB 75009 approved by President]
08/06/1993 [FSB 92016 approved by President]
08/15/2024 [Policy format revised as part of UPM Revision]