Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

ESU Alert: ESU is closed Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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ETS Certified Test Administrator Services

Testing Center

ESU's Testing Center is certified by ETS to deliver ETS-sponsored tests, including TOEFL, Praxis, and many others. The testing facility is secure, using the same secure transmissions. The communication channel uses state-of-the-art encryption, and our software is able to detect whether a transmission was altered or disrupted.

Test content that is downloaded to a test center computer is encrypted and cannot be accessed until the actual test administration begins.

What The Testing Center provides

  • lockers in its specified check-in area located near the entrance of the testing room
  • nearby restrooms so test takers do not have to leave the building
  • comfortable accommodations for the number of testing workstations with partitions between workstations
  • access to people with disabilities
  • One Test Center Administrators and one Proctors for each test administered

Dates of Upcoming Tests

Please check the Testing Center page for available testing sessions and policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the link above for frequently asked question regarding the Testing Center.

Tests administered

For information or registration about CLEP visit CLEP's website.


  • From I-35, take exit 130 (Merchant Street), and go south toward the college. Turn left on 18th street and a quick right onto Morse Drive, which is a one-way.
  • From Highway 99 (from the north of Emporia), turn left on 18th street, and a quick right (south) on to Morse Drive.
  • From Highway 99 (from the south of Emporia), continue on Commercial Street through downtown, until you come to 12th street, and take a left (east). You will want to be in the far right lane to make a quick right turn on to Merchant Street, and go north until taking a right on 18th street, and quick right (south) on Morse Drive.

Visser Hall, the building housing the Testing Center, is located off of Merchant Street between 18th Avenue and 15th Avenue, with its main entrance on the east side.

The Testing Center is on the first floor, with its entrance off of the atrium.


Parking along the front of the building is partially metered. Parking is free on the weekends, and during the summer, so testers are able to park in any space other than loading zones, and gold permit spaces. Permit and meter rules are enforced Monday-Friday 7:30am- 4:30pm during Fall and Spring semesters.