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Cecil Short

Cecil Short

Assistant Professor of School Leadership, Middle & Secondary Teacher Education
Director of Secondary Education of Teachers College


Assistant Professor and Director of Secondary Education


Dr. Short's experience teaching secondary English convinced him that students benefit from increased ownership over their learning, and that such ownership can come as a result of personalized learning, open education, and blended teaching. He left the secondary classroom to research these practices. He earned his Ph.D. in Instructional Psychology and Technology from Brigham Young University in 2021.

Dr. Short has served as the Vice President of Communications for the Teacher Education Division of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology, Co-Chair of the K-12 Online Learning Special Interest Group for the Society of Information Technoloy and Teacher Education, and Co-Editor in Chief of the openly licensed Journal of Technology-Integrated Lessons and Teaching.

In 2024, Dr. Short received special recognition by the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education and their annual Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education as "an emerging scholar establishing a research agenda that will impact the future of technology and teacher education." In the same year, he also received the prestigious "Scholarly Advancement of Teacher Education and Educational Technology Award" from the Association for Educational Communications & Technology.


Ph.D., Brigham Young University
M.A., University of Central Missouri
B.S.E., University of Central Missouri

Professional Interests:

Dr. Short's research focuses on Personalized Learning, Blended Learning, Open Educational Resources (OER), and OER-Enabled Practices. He has taught courses about K-12 Technology Integration and Multi-modal Learning; Learning Theories for Design; Classroom Management; Data-Driven Instruction; and Assessment. He is one of the primary co-authors and co-editors of the widely used, openly licensed, K-12 Blended Teaching book series.