Elementary Literacy Certificate / Secondary Literacy Certificate
Literacy Certificate
Emporia State University offers an elementary literacy certificate and a secondary literacy certificate.
The purpose of a certificate is to provide anyone who has completed a bachelor's degree an opportunity to pursue improvement in reading intervention. The literacy certificate does not lead to a change in teaching license. A Reading Specialist PK-12 license requires the completion of the reading specialist program.
- Reading Specialist PK-12 concentration within a masters degree
- Reading Specialist licensure only, when a masters degree has already been completed
Contact Dr. Haley Olson with any questions.
Financial aid is not available for certificate options.

Why ESU?
Experience. As the leading institution in Kansas when it comes to PreK-12 education, we know literacy and we know we can help you achieve your career goals.
Elementary Literacy Certificate (12 hours)
- EL 721 Reading Theory & Literacy Practices: Elementary (3 hrs)
Emphasis is placed on the teaching of reading and its relationship to the language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing). The content includes an overview of theories and learning models that have influenced the teaching of reading. Discussions will focus on the importance of a literacy-rich environment both in the classroom and home. Prominent research in reading education will be reviewed and applied to the student’s own learning situation.
- El 810 Information Literacy (3 hrs)
This course focuses on the process of becoming web literate or finding, understanding, and using information from the web. A foundation will be built from what we know about reading, learning, and effective teaching practices with print text in order to understand the benefits and challenges of reading on the web. Course projects will encourage participants to actively use models of inquiry with the web to pursue answers to their own questions and learn ways to guide students through the online inquiry process.
- EL 821 Curriculum and Standards in the Literacy Environment (3 hrs)
Teachers of reading must be familiar with current theory, research and exemplary practices in the field of reading. This course explores current issues related to reading curriculum planning with an emphasis on strategies and techniques for instruction. Students will plan instructional strategies and reflect on their own reading curriculum.
- EL 823 Analysis of Reading Assessment and Instruction (3 hrs)
(Prerequisites, EL 721) This course is designed to provide the reading specialist or classroom teacher with the knowledge, skills and processes necessary to assess, analyze and instruct the reading performance of beginning readers (pre-reader through 3rd grade level.)
Secondary Literacy Certificate (12 hours)
- EL723 Reading Theory & Literacy Practices: Secondary (3 hrs)
This course is designed to help middle/secondary school teachers view reading as an integrated part of the school curriculum. Issues to be explored include elements of reading/learning styles, techniques for teaching vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, special approaches for adapting instruction to all types of learners, motivation for lifelong reading and learning, and technology/reading. Emphasis is on reading (and writing) as an interactive and developmental process.
- EL 810 Information Literacy (3 hrs)
This course focuses on the process of becoming web literate or finding, understanding, and using information from the web. A foundation will be built from what we know about reading, learning, and effective teaching practices with print text in order to understand the benefits and challenges of reading on the web. Course projects will encourage participants to actively use models of inquiry with the web to pursue answers to their own questions and learn ways to guide students through the online inquiry process.
- EL 821 Curriculum and Standards in the Literacy Environment (3 hrs)
Teachers of reading must be familiar with current theory, research and exemplary practices in the field of reading. This course explores current issues related to reading curriculum planning with an emphasis on strategies and techniques for instruction. Students will plan instructional strategies and reflect on their own reading curriculum.
- EL 823 Analysis of Reading Assessment and Instruction (3 hrs)
(Prerequisites, EL 723 and EL 823.) This course is designed to provide the reading specialist or classroom teacher with the knowledge, skills and processes necessary to assess, analyze and instruct the reading performance of intermediate and advanced level readers (4th-12th grade levels).
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How to Contact Us
Phone fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5028
Email fas fa-envelope Eric True, Graduate Advisor
fas fa-envelope Have questions? Contact Dr. Haley Olson.
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4036
Emporia, KS 66801
Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
(on the ESU main campus)
1701 Morse Road
Visser Hall, 2nd Floor
Main Office, Rm 211