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ECU Licensure, Certification (B-K or B-8)

ECU Licensure (B-K or B-8)

Early Childhood Unified Advanced Teaching License (Birth-Kindergarten or Birth-Grade Three)


  1. Apply to the Graduate School
  2. Submit official transcripts demonstrating a minimum of 3.0 GPA on the last 60 hours.

In addition to the requirements of the Graduate School the following documents must also be submitted:

  • Copy of Teaching License

PROCEDURE FOR Seeking an Early Childhood Unified Advanced Teaching License for Birth-Kindergarten or Birth-Grade Three

  1. Hold a current Kansas Teaching License
  2. Complete the Early Childhood Unified Graduate coursework
  3. Pass the required exams through Educational Testing Service. Information can be found at

If you are earning B-Kindergarten licensure, you will take one test:  

  • Praxis exam Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education 5023 

Passing score: 166 

If you are earning B-3rd grade licensure, you will take two tests: 

  • Praxis exam Education of Young Children 5024 

Passing score: 160 

  • Praxis exam Special Education: Early Childhood/Early Intervention 5692

Passing score: 159 


Phone fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5028

Email fas fa-envelope Eric True, Graduate Advisor


fas fa-envelope Have questions? Contact Dr. Sandra Bequette,


Department of Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4036
Emporia, KS 66801


Department of
Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
(on the ESU main campus)
1701 Morse Road
Visser Hall, 2nd Floor
Main Office, Rm 211