The Teachers College Academic Departments
Learn more about academic departments within The Teachers College
The Teachers College Academic Departments
At The Teachers College at Emporia State, we have two academic departments offering an array of undergraduate and graduate programs leading to degrees and certificates. Learn more about our departments and the programs they offer below.

Elementary Education / Early Childhood / Special Education
This department offers one undergraduate program - Elementary Education - and four graduate programs: an Instructional Specialist degree with concentrations in Reading Specialist PK-12/Elementary Content/Elementary STEM, a master’s degree in Early Childhood Unified Education (Birth to Age 8 or Birth to K), a master’s degree in special education and a master's degree in elementary education for career changers.

School Leadership / Middle + Secondary Teacher Education
This department boasts a rich tradition of graduating many effective Kansas teachers and administrators. Well over 25% of current administrators in Kansas have at least one degree from The Teachers College at Emporia State University. Recently the department completed a review of its existing curriculum and strengthened course content in order to better prepare school leaders for the 21st century.
Contact the Teachers College
Campus Box 4036
1 Kellogg Circle
Emporia, KS 66801