Emporia Teachers Council
Emporia Teachers Council
The purpose of the Emporia Teacher Council is to promote increased dialogue within the Emporia educational community and to strengthen professional relations between the college, Emporia USD 253 teachers and administrators, and the community. Other priorities are to promote pre-service and in-service training and to help in the development or modification of curriculum or policies for pre-service teachers.
The council serves a communicative and problem-solving function and meets a minimum of two times per semester (fall and spring) as determined by the chair of the council. The Director of Field Placement and Licensure serves as chair of this council and prepares the meeting agendas with input from other council members. Composition. The Council is comprised of teacher and administrator representatives from USD 253 schools and representatives from Emporia State University including the Director of Office of Field Placement and Licensure, Phase I representatives, PDS representatives , and representatives from other academic disciplines on the ESU campus.