2019-2020 King Endowed Professor
2019-2020 King Endowed Professor

Dr. Connie Phelps was the inaugural recipient of the Dr. John E. King Endowed Professor award for the 2019-20 academic year.
Dr. Connie Phelps joined the Emporia State University faculty in 2004 as the Gifted Program Director. Phelps holds two masters degrees, one in Elementary Education and one in Special Education-Gifted, Talented and Creative. She received her EdD in elementary education from the University of Arkansas.
Her experience as an elementary school teacher and has served as a Gifted Facilitator in the Wichita Public Schools. She has numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters to her name. She is a sought out presenter nationally and internationally. In fact, she spent much of her sabbatical this past fall traveling and serving as an invited presenter in Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Turkey.
Phelps is highly respected in her profession. Her service spans across the globe. She has served as a consultant, subject expert and external reviewer nationally and internationally on numerous occasions. She is a trained site visitor for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
Phelps exemplifies those characteristics expected of a King Endowed Professor. She continues to be innovative and a visionary in her work and has built lasting relationships with colleagues around the world. Her work has had significant impact of the profession and on the lives of her students and others.
During Fall 2019, Dr. Connie Phelps traveled to Europe during her sabbatical to share her knowledge and learn what other countries, organizations, and schools were doing to address the needs of their high ability students.
- Phelps, C. (2019, August). Incubating mathematical creativity through a molecular gastronomy 101 Saturday enrichment camp. Session presented at the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG11), Hamburg, Germany.
- Glaveanu, V., & Phelps, C. (2019, October). Reading the label: Gifted, talented, and creative. Invited podcast, Webster University Geneva Podcast, Bellevue, Switzerland.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). Reading the label: Gifted, talented, and creative. An invited public lecture for the Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). Exploring “mini-c” creativity through personal insight journals. A paper presentation at the 1st Thematic European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference: Creativity Research and Innovation in Gifted Education: Social, Individual, and Educational Perspective, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). Special populations of gifted learners and experiences of covert aggression. Parallel session presented at the Talent Education conference, Portorož, Slovenia.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). Montessori peace education practices that encourage safe home and school environments. Workshop presented at the Talent Education conference, Portorož, Slovenia.
- Phelps, C. (2019, November). Reading the label: Gifted, talented, and creative. Invited presentation for the IC Malipiero, Marcon, Italy.
- Phelps. C. (2019, November). Training teachers for diverse populations of gifted, talented, and creative learners. Parallel session presented virtually at the annual International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE) conference, Malatya, Turkey.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). Best practices in gifted education. Invited presentation at the Talent Point special event, Florence, Italy.
- Phelps, C. (2019, November). Journey into giftedness. Keynote at the annual Alphabeta conference, Scorzè, Italy.
- Phelps, C. (2019, November). Inclusive gifted education. Invited presentation for the Associazione Nazionale Insegnanti Straniere (ANILS) conference, Rovigo, Italy.
*Co-authorship with former students and mentees.
- Phelps, C. (2019). Incubating mathematical creativity through a molecular gastronomy 101 Saturday enrichment camp. In M. Nolte (Ed.), Including the Highly Gifted and Creative Students—Current Ideas and Future Directions (pp. 296-303). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG 11). Universität Hamburg, Germany, 296-303.
- Phelps, C. (2019). Incubating mathematical creativity through a molecular gastronomy 101 Saturday enrichment camp. Torrance Journal for Applied Creativity, pp. 59-64.
- Phelps, C., Beason-Manes, A.,* & Lockman, A.* (in progress). Exploration of covert aggression in gifted and non-exceptional adolescent girls. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity.
- Phelps, C. (in progress). Reflections on the 11th International Conference International Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness. An invited article for the Newsletter of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness, pp.-pp.
- Phelps, C. (in progress). Creative collaboration through university-based Saturday enrichment camps. Journal of Modern Education Review, pp.-pp.
- Reid, L.,* & Phelps, C. (in progress). Covert aggression and minority gifted children. Journal of Modern Education Review, pp.-pp.
Collaborative Research
- Miller, J., Phelps, C., & Brazzolotto, M. (pending approval). Creative STEAM pedagogy for young gifted learners inspired by Reggio Emilia schools. Proposed submitted for the 67th annual convention of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), Walt Disney World Resort, FL.
- Phelps, C., Miller, J., & Brazzolotto, M. (pending approval). Comparison of creative pedagogy from Reggio Emilia and gifted and talented classrooms. Proposal submitted to the Marconi Institute for Creativity conference, Bologna, Italy.
- Brazzolotto, M, Phelps, C., & Miller, J. (pending approval). Talent development in the Reggio Emilia Approach. Proposal submitted for the 17th International European Council for High Ability (ECHA) conference, Porto, Portugal.
- Lubart, T., Lee, K., Phelps, C., Loncaric, D., Dechaume, M., & Esposito, D. (in progress). International study on the creative home environment.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). English language enrichment lessons. Multiple classroom presentations in primary and secondary grades at Ecole Germaine de Staël, Etoy, Switzerland.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October). Distinguishing the creatively gifted adolescent. An invited presentation for faculty at the Liceo Artistico, Florence, Italy.
- Phelps, C. (2019, October/November). Kansas cowboy enrichment lessons. Multiple classroom presentations for third, fourth, and fifth grades, Scuola Elementare Galileo Galilei, Cadoneghe, Italy.
- Phelps, C, & Brazzolotto, M. (2019, November). Education in Europe with an emphasis on the gifted learner. Invited Zoom presentation during Learning course for PhD students at Texas A & M University, Commerce, TX.
- Lubart, T., & Phelps, C. (2020, January). Applying a multivariate evaluation of creativity in K-12 classrooms. Zoom interview lecture for SD864 Creative Teaching and Learning, Emporia State University.
- Consultation, North Rhine Westphalia gifted parent group, Oldenburg, Germany.
- Consultation, Bifrost Skolen gifted school startup, Roskilde, Denmark.
- Consultation, Leonardo-skolen gifted school startup, Greve, Denmark.
- Consultation, Gifted in France parent group, Paris, France.
- Consultation, Gifted Education, Centre pour enfants et jeunes à haut potential, Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Ministère de l’Education nationale de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse.
- Consultation, Gifted Education, Milan Brozović Elementary School, Kastav, Croatia.
- Consultation, Gifted Education, Prva Riječka Hrvatska Gimnazija Academic High School, Rijeka, Croatia.
- Consultation, Gifted Education. University of Rijeka Teacher Education Department, Rijeka, Croatia.
- Editorial review, Parenting Style and Creative Potential of Children, M. Dechaume & T. Lubart, Conference proceedings, 1st Thematic European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Conference: Creativity Research and Innovation in Gifted Education: Social, Individual, and Educational Perspective, Dubrovnik, Croatia.