Erika C Martin
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Editor for Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, a peer-reviewed general science journal
- PhD, Biology, Kansas State University (2014)
- BS, Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, Ball State University (2009)

- My laboratory has two main research branches: Aquatics and STEM Education.
- Aquatics students in my lab investigate stream ecology, community ecology, life-history, morphology, ontogeny, and conservation biology. We have investigated wetland conservation efforts, built experimental microcosms, and quantified microplastics in the Great Plains.
- STEM Education students in my lab develop and investigate the effectiveness of different teaching methodologies on STEM student retention, science identity, and diversity. Specifically, we are currently focused on designing, implementing, and assessing ecological Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) in the classroom.
Recent Publications
*indicates ESU student
- Osterhaus, D. M.* and E.C. Martin. 2019. Trends in distribution of Plains Minnow (Hybognathus placitus) in Kansas from 1964 to 2017. American Midland Naturalist. 182: 203-215.
- Martin, E.C., C. Sorell*, J. Avila*, S. Behrens*, D. Berry*, L. Cona*, A. Feldmann*, K. Ghanchi*, E. Hall*, J. Hinderliter*, T. Lane*, S. LeMay*, M. Loar*, K. Loewen*, Z. Museousky*, S. Nelson*, A. Ohlfs*, B. Ortega*, C. Ryan*, H. Seidel*, A. Straub*, and K. Stucky*. 2019. Assessment of microplastics in the Great Plains: comparing densities in water and benthic sediment across Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 122:281-287.
- Piva, M.*, R. Boyd, J. Boyd, and E.C. Martin. 2016. Evaluating wetland vegetation establishment at the Baker Wetlands, Douglas County, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 119:49-63.
- Martin, E.C., N. Bello, K.B. Gido, A.M. Veach, and W.K. Dodds. 2016. Influence of fish richness on ecosystem properties of headwater prairie streams. Freshwater Biology. 61:887-898.
Join my research lab
- The goal of my lab is to produce successful students that are competent and prepared to enter the world of science. All students work on research projects and get experience designing studies, reading and incorporating peer-review literature, collecting and analyzing data (using program R), and writing presentations for conferences and manuscripts for peer-review publication. Aquatics students get hands-on field experience, and STEM Education students get hands-on teaching experience.
- GB584 Biology Education
- GB459/859 Alternative Facts: understanding bias, statistics, and source credibility
- GB759 Introduction to Program R
- GB859 Advanced Statistical Analysis with R
- GB303 Field and Lab Biology
- GB759 Ecology Journal Club