Chad Wiley
Professor of Mathematics
Joined the department in 2008
Ph. D. Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara. (2008) Research Area: Knot Theory. Advisor: Stephen Bigelow
M.A. Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara. (2005)
M.S. Mathematics, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. (2002)
B.S. Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (2000)
Research Area
Knot Theory/Braid Theory
Professional Highlights
Kansas City Math Technology EXPO Planning Committee (Chair)
ESU Graduate Council
LA&S Excellence in Service Award, 2016-2017
MAA Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics, 2017-2018
Member of Mathematical Association of America
Classes Taught
(Most Frequently)
- MA 262 Calculus II
- MA 421 College Geometry
- MA 425 Abstract Algebra
- MA 701 Mathematical Proofs
- MA 715 Topology
- MA 714 Knot Theory
Playing the piano very poorly
Playing video games
Watching other people on YouTube play video games
Playing board/card games
Frantically trying to get caught up on grading