Brian Hollenbeck
Professor of Mathematics
Campus Box 4027
1 Kellogg Circle
Emporia State University
Emporia, KS 66801
Office: Science Hall 141F
Joined the department in 2001
Ph. D. Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia (2001)
M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia (1998)
B.S. Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia (1996)
Research Areas
Harmonic and Complex Analysis
Mathematical Modeling
Professional Highlights
- MAA Kansas Section Award for Distinguished Teaching of Mathematics (2011)
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Annual Award for Excellence in Teaching (2010)
- Member of Phi Kappa Phi (inducted in 2006)
- Member of Mathematical Association of America (2001-present)
- Member of Kappa Mu Epsilon (inducted in 2001)
- Kappa Mu Epsilon President-elect (2013-2017)
- Kappa Mu Epsilon President (2017-present)
- Advisor for COMAP Math Modeling Contest Team
Classes taught
Courses often taught:
- Calculus I & II
- Mathematical Modeling
- Probability and Statistics
- Complex Variables
- Advanced Calculus I & II
- Applied Analysis
- Introduction to Combinatory Logic
Basketball, disc golf, and traveling to national parks with my family