SLIM Continuing Education
School of Library and Information Science Continuing Education
SLIM Continuing Education Purpose Statement (Kansas)
SLIM’s school librarian continuing education program provides all Kansas public and open-enrollment charter school teacher librarians in grades PreK-12 access to professional development opportunities (without paying for-college credit hour tuition and fees).
This program is designed to provide continuing education sessions that include learning outcomes aligned with national and state standards for teaching information and technology literacy across all assessed content areas. We will offer face-to-face sessions that include instruction, materials, and resources. Participants can submit contact hours as part of a professional development plan for meeting selected standards.
How many PDP are necessary for license renewal?
According to KSDE, for individuals holding an advanced degree, a minimum of 120 professional development points may be earned under an approved individual development plan filed with a local professional development council. If an individual does not hold an advanced degree, a minimum of 160 professional development points may be earned under an approved individual development plan filed with a local professional development council, including at least 80 points for college credit.
For more information, contact:
Continuing Educations
School of Library and Information Management
Emporia State University