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School of Business Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge

Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge

Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge

The Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge is a venture idea competition that is open to students from all schools at Emporia State University.

The framework for the Challenge begins with participants, either individuals or teams of up to four members, submitting a 3-page (maximum) executive summary with cover sheet and registration form to the competition by midnight, Friday, March 28, 2025. Only the cover sheet should contain the student names(s). Do not put student names on the executive summary pages. Through submission of the executive summary, teams will attempt to refine their venture with the intention of advancing to subsequent rounds of the competition. More details can be found under the “Guidelines” section below.

A panel of graders will select the semifinalist teams to advance in the pitch competition. During the semifinal round students will have several weeks to redefine their big ideas (based on graders' feedback), and students will work with faculty and local entrepreneurs to further develop their concepts.

The semifinalist teams will present an oral pitch in front of a panel of judges on either April 17 or April 18. More details can be found under the “Guidelines” section below.

On April 30, 2025, the semifinalist teams will present their business concepts to the community and judges at a community showcase. During this showcase the top three teams will be chosen.

Compete for cash prizes

Emporia Entrepreneurship Challenge Logo

TEAMS WILL BE COMPETING FOR CASH PRIZES to be put into your student account:

1st Place: $1,500

2nd Place: $1,000

3rd Place: $500.00


The Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge is open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students at Emporia State University enrolled during the Spring 2025 semester. Students from all majors and backgrounds are encouraged to participate. Non-students may advise the team; however, only students may present the plan to the judges during the competition. The concept and venture must demonstrate student management and ownership.


Individuals may submit a concept. However, entrepreneurship teams are encouraged. Student teams should not exceed four students.


The Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge welcomes independent student ventures in the concept stage or seed stage. Generally excluded from entry are the following: buy-outs, expansions of existing companies, real estate syndication, tax shelters, franchises, and licensing agreements for distribution in the local market. Plagiarism of patents or copyrights will result in disqualification.


Teams or individuals may submit up to two different business concept ideas. However, only one concept per person/group may qualify for the semifinal round.


Written Executive Summary:

The written executive summary, cover sheet, and registration form must be submitted in electronic, PDF format, by midnight, Friday, March 28, 2025, to The 3-page executive summary presents the idea for initial evaluation in a short and compelling form. This is not a research report. It is a sales pitch! The effort involved in preparing the concept requires the team to carefully and realistically assess the opportunity. This action is a significant step in developing a business plan. The summary, when completed, will present the key information needed to evaluate the opportunity, without going into the depth that a full business plan requires. The completed executive summary should be no more than three pages. The link to the executive summary is listed below.


The semifinalist teams will present to a panel of judges. Teams will have the choice of presenting the morning of April 17 or the afternoon of April 18. Teams should include a visual aid to assist in their presentation. Your visual aid should cover the information outlined in the written executive summary. You should assume that the judges will not have read your written concept, so the visual aid should provide a complete explanation of the concept. A suggested outline is

  1. Intro: What's your idea? Hook? Get their attention. (First part of Intro)
  2. Management: Who's on your team?
  3. Market Need: Who are your customers?
  4. Value Proposition: Why will they buy?
  5. Competition: Who's your competition?
  6. Strategy: How do you generate sales?
  7. Financial: How many will you sell? At what cost?
  8. Plan: What are your next steps?
  • Time limits for the oral presentations will be 10-15 minutes.
  • Remember oral presentation should be compelling and persuasive! This is not a research report, where you demonstrate that you did the work, but a sales pitch where you convince the judges that you and/or your team can succeed.
  • The winners of the competition will be named at the Community Showcase event on April 30. Awards will be given to the top three places.
  • If students compete in teams, prize monies will be divided equally among team members.
  • Placing in the competition does not guarantee that teams will have investors.

For more information on the Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge; please contact


2025 Registration Form

2025 Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge Executive Summary 2025

2025 Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge Flyer


Do you have what it takes to pitch your business idea? All Elevator Pitch activities will be held on the first floor of Cremer Hall and in the Cremer Hall elevator on Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, starting at 6 p.m.

  • Registration will be in the Preston Family Complex on the first floor of Cremer Hall.
  • The 27-second elevator pitches will be held in the Cremer Hall elevator, on the ride from the first to fifth floor.

Your presentation will last 0:27 seconds ONLY. When the elevator doors open on the fifth floor, your presentation is over. On the ride down, you will receive feedback from the judge.

When you present: If you are part of a group, you will need to nominate one person to do the pitch. Remember, only one person can do the pitch.

After you pitch, you are requested to return to the Preston Family Complex until the prizes are awarded. The winners for Best Pitch, Best Idea, and Judge’s Choice will be announced in the Preston Family Complex after everyone has finished pitching. Winners will be announced the following morning via the School of Business social media Twitter and Instagram accounts around 10 a.m. Each winner will receive $100 into their student account.