Kansas Small Business Development Center Business Forms + Documents
Kansas Small Business Development Center Business Forms + Documents
Request for Funding
To become a KSBDC client and receive FREE, confidential advising, please follow the Kansas SBDC website to sign up. Should you have any questions, please call the office at 620-341-5308.
Business Advising Forms
These are the forms that we commonly use in the Kansas Small Business Development Center. Feel free to use these, as needed, to help with business planning.
Business Plan Outline.pdf
Guide for writing an operational business plan.
Business Plan Guideline.pdf
Guide for a concise business plan.
Types of Business Ownership.pdf
Brief descriptions of forms of ownership and advantages and disadvantages of each.
Financing Your Business.pdf
Financing options for your business.
Credit Fact Sheet.pdf
Understanding your credit report and score.
Business Tax Guide.pdf
Tax responsibilities on the state and federal level.
Business Tax Application.pdf
CR-16 business tax application form.
How To Obtain A FEIN Number.pdf
A federal tax identification number, or employer identification number, issued to entities that do business in the United States.
SS-4 Form.pdf
Application form for employer identification number.
Questions To Get Started.pdf
27 questions to consider when starting a new business.
Contact Us

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration