Parents + Families Finances
Information on how to pay your student's bill
Cashier & Student Accounts
The Student Account Center on is where your student will pay their bill, enroll in a payment plan, save a payment method and set up direct deposit account for refunds.
Paying Your Bill
Watch for an email from letting your student know the semester bill is ready. Payment can be made online via or in-person with cash, personal check, money order or cashier check at our cashier window on the first floor of Plumb Hall.
Payment Schedule
Tuition and fees are due on the fifth day of class. If your student is enrolled in a payment plan, the first payment is due on the fifth day of class and on the 20th of each month for three more months.
Authorized User Form
Similar to the financial aid office, once your student becomes a Hornet, federal regulations protecting their privacy prevents ESU from speaking to you about your student’s account. Students must complete the Authorized User Form in their student account giving us permission to share information with you. This is a separate form from the financial aid office. Contact:, 620-341-5135
Don't forget these resources!

Even if your student is already enrolled and on campus, they can still take advantage of all local, ESU and national scholarship opportunities. Visit our scholarship page.

Apply for FAFSA
Your student must apply for financial aid through every year to be eligible for grants, loans and work study.

Learn about loan options from the U.S. Department of Education, as well as private educational loan lenders. If you have any questions or want some guidance contact ESU’s Financial Aid Office at 620-341-5457 or