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ESU Announces Plans for Net DECREASE to 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

Emporia State University President Ken Hush announced the university’s decision to amend the university’s initial recommendation of a tuition + fees increase. ESU is now putting forth a 0% tuition and 0% fee increase which will result in hundreds of dollars of net DECREASE to tuition and fees for each of our students via a reduction of university debt. ESU is able to achieve this decrease as a result of unique transformational efforts and numerous stakeholders all coming together in support of Emporia State’s new vision and action.

Pending, Kansas Board of Regent approval in June, these changes will go into effect for Fall 2024-2025. ESU has been advised putting forth a net decrease is a “first-ever” event for the Kansas Board of Regents system.

“It’s not right to keep passing costs on to students and their families through increased tuition and fees,” said Hush. “In alignment with KBOR’s ‘Affordability’ strategic pillar, we are attacking the cost of higher education for our students and their families.”

This move follows recent announcements of additional cost saving measures for students resulting from new scholarships, operational efficiencies and elimination of fees like application fees and campus parking fees and providing in-state tuition for the lower 48 states.

“We believe as a state agency it is our fiduciary responsibility to continue to analyze our overall university enterprise and take action which helps create efficiencies that keep costs down for students and their families and for the state of Kansas,” says Hush. “We are grateful to our partners and their ongoing support including the City of Emporia, Lyon County, ESU Foundation, Kansas legislators, generous alumni and donors and various foundations.”