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Lebaneses Educators Visit Campus

Dr. Hamzeh and Dr. Hamie, President and Dean at the Arts, Science and Technology University in Lebanon (AUL), Beirut, visited the Emporia State University campus on April 11th. A tree was planted in the Union Square in celebration of our partnership with AUL. The AUL delegates visited ESU to strengthen the partnership and launch a 2+2 dual degree program. This will allow AUL students to transfer to ESU and earn a dual-degree from both AUL & ESU. Technology University in Lebanon (AUL), Beirut visited the Emporia State University campus on April 11. A tree was planted in the Union Square in celebration of our partnership with AUL. The AUL delegates visited ESU to strengthen the partnership and launch a 2+2 dual degree program. This will allow AUL students to transfer to ESU and earn a dual-degree from both AUL & ESU.