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Kansas Small Business Development Center at ESU helps drought-affected businesses.

The Kansas Small Business Development Center will be offering a Business Resiliency Bootcamp at Emporia State University on March 14, 2024.

The Kansas SBDC Lead Center at FHSU was recently awarded a $100,000 federal grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration to create a series of workshops to help small businesses in rural Kansas most affected by persistent drought.

In August 2023, the Governor of Kansas declared a drought emergency for 55 counties in the state, issuing warnings or watches for the remaining 50 counties. The economic repercussions of this prolonged drought have been profound. The Kansas Department of Agriculture estimates that the drought has taken a toll of approximately $1.8 billion on the state's economy.

Under this grant, the Kansas SBDC will offer six Business Resiliency Bootcamps with the primary focus of the training and instruction centering on three key pillars:

  1. Strategies for Improving Financial Management: This addresses critical topics such as managing cash flow, planning for profitability, and facilitating access to capital. Preparing for financial stability is particularly important during times of economic uncertainty.
  2. Thrifty Marketing: In this component, businesses are provided with practical knowledge, including how to connect with customers, low-cost marketing techniques and leveraging the potential of social media to reach a broader audience.
  3. Using AI Tools to Support Business Management: This segment explores the potential to utilize AI tools to enhance small businesses' managerial capacity. This integration can help to unlock innovative solutions and growth opportunities.

“The specialized assistance we are planning aims to tackle the distinctive economic challenges faced by small businesses,” said Kansas SBDC State Director Greg Jordan. “We will host these workshops in the same area declared in Governor Kelly’s drought emergency.”

The Business Resiliency Bootcamp at ESU will be the second of the bootcamps to be offered around the state. Registration information can be found at https://ksbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/28280. The SBDC at ESU covers Lyon, Morris, Chase, Marion, Greenwood, Coffey and Osage counties.

About the Kansas SBDC

The Kansas Small Business Development Center serves approximately 3,000 distinct clients annually through its one-on-one advisory centers located across 13 offices throughout the state including the Kansas SBDC Regional Center at ESU. Information about the Kansas SBDC at ESU can be found at https://www.emporia.edu/school-business/centers-resources/centers/small-business-development-center/

Inquiries about the Business Resiliency Bootcamp at ESU should be directed to Kansas SBDC Assistant State Director, Laurie Pieper at ksbdc@fhsu.edu