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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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The Teachers College

Events for Kansas Educators Offered

May 17, 2016 The Teachers College

Educators are being offered opportunities to increase their skill and knowledge through workshops and a conference provided this summer through The Teachers College at Emporia State University.

The Teachers College Honors Students

May 9, 2016 The Teachers College

Fifty-seven Emporia State University students from The Teachers College and one retiring faculty member received special recognition at The Teachers College in May.

Visser Hall Relocation

April 27, 2016 The Teachers College

The transformer that powers Visser Hall blew yesterday afternoon, and will not be able to be fixed until the weekend. Students, faculty and staff of The Teachers College will be displaced temporarily.

Laps 4 Landon Set for Tuesday

April 14, 2016 The Teachers College

Raising money and awareness for cystic fibrosis is the goal of the ninth annual Laps 4 Landon event at Emporia State’s Welch Stadium on Tuesday, April 19.

Conference Exploring 21st Century Learning to be Held in May

April 11, 2016 The Teachers College

Academic skills, employability and citizenship skills, technology, all under the shadow of school financing — how are Kansans to determine what K-12 schools must do to prepare its children for their lives after high school graduation?

Kansas Masons Create New Literacy Center: Largest Gift in University History

March 25, 2016 The Teachers College

Masons across the state of Kansas are partnering with Emporia State University to create the Kansas Masonic Literary Center (KMLC) on the Emporia State campus. The initiative was publicly announced by the Masons last week during the 160th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kansas. Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed a proclamation to recognize the special day, March 18, 2016, as Kansas Masons’ Day.

Expert in School Violence to Speak at Emporia State

March 9, 2016 The Teachers College

Five in 2016 so far, 18 in 2015, 36 in 2014 — in total, more than 100 incidents have occurred in the U.S. in the last 10 years involving guns, students and schools. Some of these were suicides, some were mass shootings, some were the result of arguments — all affected the schools, educators, and surviving students.