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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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Bringing People Together

June 10, 2021 Administration

When Dr. David Cordle leaves his office in Plumb Hall for the last time in June, he will conclude a career in higher education that spans four decades. If you count his years as a student, he has spent five decades on college and university campuses.

Emporia State Drops Mask Mandate, Other COVID Protocols

June 7, 2021 Administration

Requirements to wear masks, social distance and disinfect classrooms and offices ended today at Emporia State University. In a communication to all faculty, staff and students, ESU President Allison D. Garrett shared that campus is officially back to normal.

ESU Undergraduate Commencement Moved Indoors

May 14, 2021 Administration

Saturday’s undergraduate commencement ceremony for Emporia State University will be indoors at White Auditorium, 111 E. Sixth Ave., in Emporia.

Dr. George Arasimowicz named new provost at Emporia State University

April 20, 2021 Administration

Dr. George Arasimowicz, dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at Central State University, an historically black university in Ohio, will assume his duties as provost and vice president for academic affairs this summer, according to Allison D. Garrett, president of Emporia State University.

Reflecting on Our Humanity

April 16, 2021 Administration

As we enter the last weeks of our spring semester, many of us may be focused on our own busyness. Others may be focused on historic events happening elsewhere, such as the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing George Floyd.

University Press of Kansas to continue its work under the leadership of the dean of the University of Kansas Libraries

March 19, 2021 Administration

The University Press of Kansas Board of Trustees, which comprises the provosts from each of the six Kansas Regents institutions, has confirmed KU Dean of Libraries Kevin L. Smith to serve as director of the University Press of Kansas (UPK). Smith, a well-known authority in the field of scholarly communications, will continue his role as dean in addition to serving as director of the Press. This change will allow UPK to take advantage of publishing and scholarly alignment opportunities as well as operate in a more cost-efficient manner.