Black Emporia: Interpretations and Connections Collection
Black Emporia: Interpretations and Connections Collection
The Black Emporia: Interpretations and Connections Collection consists of materials gathered for and about three publications: the book Black Emporia: The African American Experience through the Lives of Emporians, the guide A Walking Tour from Red Rocks through the Stringtown of WAW and WLW as told in Black Emporia: The African American Experience through the Lives of Emporians, and a DVD, History of North Lyon County. Additional materials document Black history through people, places, issues, events, and organizations in Emporia and Lyon County, as well as throughout Kansas, and across the nation.
Finding Aid
Access the Black Emporia Finding Aid.pdf
Access the catalog record.

Historically one of Emporia’s prominently Black neighborhoods, Stringtown is a lasting legacy to Emporia’s Black families and culture. Tour Stringtown physically or virtually.
Black History Month Exhibits

Hold Everything Black and See
The Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement are highlighted in this exhibit.

Working for Education Equality
Celebrate Black History Month through an exploration of Emporia’s past educators and events.