Maire Johnson
Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Sociology & Criminology
Assessment & Accreditation Coordinator of School of Humanities & Social Sciences
BSc, Zoology, University of Maryland College Park, 1993
BA, History, University of Maryland College Park, 2002
MA, Medieval Studies, University of Toronto Centre for Medieval Studies, 2003
Ph.D., Medieval Studies, University of Toronto Centre for Medieval Studies, 2010
Area of Teaching Expertise:
From six seconds older than dirt up to the current day, but particularly pre-modern material. If it’s a premodern course in history at ESU, I probably teach it! I also teach some classes that link past and present, like Medieval Magic in Modern Culture and Medievalisms: The Use and Misuse of the Middle Ages. Additionally, I teach HI 102 Modern World Cultures on a rotation with my colleagues.
Area of Research Expertise:
Medieval Celticist. I focus on the peoples and cultures of places which, in the medieval period or beforehand, spoke a Celtic language: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, Cornwall, Brittany, northern England, France, Galicia (Spain) and Galatia (Turkey). Primarily, though, I work in early medieval Irish law, literature and history.
Fun Facts:
I’m always owned by cats, usually several. With the exception of the Korat breed, of which I always have at least one, my Furherd comprises rescued felines. I can train and herd cats. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and a long list of associated conditions, including a very rare form of spinal cord inflammation called arachnoiditis; for these reasons, I frequently use mobility aids, wear splints on my fingers, wrists or other joints to prevent subluxations or dislocations and have disability plates. I “bird”—I watch birds, I go to places to see birds I’ve never seen before, I photograph birds and report bird counts to Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. I used to be a wildlife rehabilitator and have rescued or raised raptors, reptiles, songbirds and a variety of small mammals (including bats, possum and raccoons). I’m not licensed in Kansas, though, so I haven’t done rehabbing in a long while. I grow pocket prairie gardens of indigenous Flint Hills grasses and forbs in my front and backyard. Finally, I’m a huge fan of the Tiny House movement, and if I’m ever financially able to, I want to build an ADA-compliant tiny house Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in my backyard to rent to someone who needs such a place to live, such as a quiet learner or a couple. Since Kansas law restricts the size of ADUs to ½ or less the square footage of the primary residence, the ADU I’d build would be 450sq ft or less, so it would be a true Tiny House!