Kenna Reeves
Instructor of Communication
Kenna J. Reeves, Instructor, has been a faculty member in the Department of Communication and Theatre since 1984. Her undergraduate degree in Speech and Theatre was earned from then Emporia Kansas State College, now Emporia State University. Her M.S. was also earned from Emporia State University.
Kenna teaches:
SP 101 - Public Speaking
SP 307 - Advanced Public Speaking
SP 325 - Nonverbal Communication
SP 370 - Special Topics in Communication: Communication Theory and Reality Television
SP 370 - Special Topics in Communication: Communication and Event Planning and Hospitality
Kenna is known professionally for service to Emporia community leadership and civic organizations, frequently presenting workshops on a variety of communication topics and working with high school communication, forensics, debate, and theatre programs throughout the state. She has served twice as the President of a nationally affiliated Kansas Speech Communication Association organization. Her areas of interest and expertise are public speaking apprehension, the cultivation theory, teaching pedagogy, public speaking, strategic planning, and nonverbal communication. She has published articles about basic interpersonal communication skills and academic advising with intercultural students. She has also been involved with the Kansas Leadership Center.
Kenna has been the recipient of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Award for Faculty Excellence, Xi Phi Outstanding Faculty Award, Outstanding Service to Upward Bound and Student Support Services, NACADA and ACT Outstanding Academic Advisor Award, Phi Delta Theta Outstanding Faculty Member, and the Fraternity and Sorority Community Outstanding Faculty Award. In 2014, ESU's Office of Institutional Effectiveness established an award for assessment and recognized Reeves as an Assessment Champion in the inaugural group receiving that recognition. She was inducted into the Kansas Speech Communication Association Hall of Fame for speech and theatre educators and selected as a Kansas Master Teacher. Kenna has twice received the Phi Eta Sigma Outstanding Professor Award and the Kansas Speech Communication Association Educator of the Year at the Collegiate Level, most recently in 2017.