make an impact on future generations!
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers several options for your career in education!
Social sciences education, English education, Spanish education and speech and theatre education are paths that you can take to be the difference maker that you want to be!
Networking Opportunities
Connect with ESU alum in the teaching field through our mentoring programs!
Student Support
Organizations at ESU are designed with your success in mind and will be there to help you achieve your goals!
Internship Experience
Student Internships at ESU are unparalleled! There is a reason we have a reputation for training great teachers!
Our Programs
Social Sciences Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
English Teaching-Middle Level Licensure
Bachelor of Science in Education
English Education (Grades 6-12)
Bachelor of Science in Education
Find more education programs in The Teachers College.

Teaching programs in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Emporia State University provide you with the skills, knowledge and practical experience needed to excel in the classroom. Join us and become an educator dedicated to helping future generations develop a passion for learning.