Communication Minor (Business Focus)
Enhance your degree with a minor in communication
Communication Minor with a Business Focus
Students whose academic major falls within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will normally take the minor with the liberal arts option; those whose academic major falls outside the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will normally take the minor with the business option. Either minor is an appropriate choice for students whose academic program requires a minor as well as for students who are required to have a second program of study under the degree Bachelor of Arts. See complete degree requirements for a Communication Minor with a Business Focus.
What can you do with this minor?
A minor in communication may be taken by students who have majors in other disciplines. Courses in communication are excellent preparation for students in industry, public relations, management, media, counseling, law, and other professions that are heavily dependent upon good communication skills.

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At Emporia State University, we’re here to help you achieve your educational and career goals. All new ESU students are automatically members of the Stinger Success Program.
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