MS, Psychology - School Psychology Concentration
Work in a rewarding profession
Begin a rewarding career in preK-12 education settings providing support and services for students in need as well as consultation and supports to teachers. School psychologists apply expertise in mental health, learning and behavior to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally and emotionally.
The Emporia State University school psychology graduate program consists of a 30-credit-hour Master of Science (MS) and a 30 credit-hour Educational Specialist (EdS).
The Master of Science emphasizes theory and foundational knowledge, while the Educational Specialist degree focuses on skill application and the practicum field experience. You must successfully complete the MS program before beginning the terminal EdS program. To be eligible for licensure as a school psychologist, you must complete the 60-credit hour MS+EdS program.
Benefits to a career in school psychology
- Average annual salary in the state of Kansas: $70,490
- School schedule with holiday breaks and two months off in summer.
- Healthy Job Market. A school psychologist shortage exists across the nation.
Why Emporia State University
Accredited by Kansas State Department of Education and Aligned with National Standards:
- Completion of this program leads to school psychology licensure from the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).
- The ESU school psychology program is aligned with standards and guidelines proposed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).*
- We have experience training students in other states. Students in ESU’s program have earned licensure in neighboring states, including Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Montana. If you foresee applying for licensure in a state other than Kansas, check your state’s licensure standards. Because our program is aligned with NASP standards, it is possible that completion of the ESU program can lead to licensure in your state.
Designed to get you out and working
- Students who start in the summer and attend full-time, taking classes in summer, fall and spring, will complete the program and be eligible for the initial school psychology license in Kansas in two years.
- We strongly encourage applicants to apply to start in the summer rather than the fall.

Strong tradition + history
Emporia State’s program is the first of its kind offered in a four-state region.
ESU school psychology has alumni in virtually all districts and special education cooperatives in Kansas.
Additional information
- Accreditation
The ESU program is accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education. It is not NASP-approved, but NASP-aligned. NASP accreditation is not required for licensure in Kansas and many other states. Program completers can apply to the National Association of School Psychologists for the credential of Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSP) via the process for graduates of non-NASP-approved programs. Graduates of the ESU program are required to prepare a portfolio, which will aid in this application process. Additional information about the NCSP can be reviewed on their website.
- Inclusion + Social Justice
The ESU school psychology program supports the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy developed by the National Association of School Psychologists.
- NASP’s long standing commitment to the just and fair treatment of all persons is underscored by the inclusion of diversity as a core value and one of the 10 domains of school psychology practice.
- Diversity, inclusion and social justice is considered one of the foundational knowledge sets for the profession and this is reflected in the ESU school psychology curriculum. Course content and requirements focused on diversity, inclusion and social justice are spread throughout various courses.
- The ESU program is aligned with the NASP statement that “school psychologists ensure that their knowledge, skills, and professional practices reflect the understanding and respect for human diversity and promote effective services, advocacy, and social justice for all children, families, and schools.”
- Flexible Hybrid Program
- Our program is accessible to traditional and nontraditional students
- The program can be completed by students who move to Emporia and those who do not, including those who live in states other than Kansas.
- Hybrid Course formats: Combination of online, synchronous Zoom courses, and intensive day-long on-campus courses.
1) Four courses are offered in an intensive on-campus format, which requires trips to campus for day-long class meetings.
2) Online courses are offered through our online learning system, Canvas. Some online courses may require attending Zoom class meetings, generally in the late afternoon or early evening.
3) All courses are offered in the formats listed above. However, for those students who prefer traditional face-to-face on-campus courses, some electives can be taken in this format.
- Typical MS + EdS School Psychology Program of Study
Below is an example of the complete program of study for an MS + EdS student.
Summer #1 – Seminar in School Psychology (online); Applied Research Methods (online)
Fall #1 – Assessment of Young Children (intensive meets three days, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. spread throughout the semester); Child Mental Health (online); Developmental Psych (online); Foundations of Assessment (online).
Spring #1 – School-based Prevention/Intervention (online); Special Ed Law (online); Educational Psychology (online) or Theories of Learning (on-campus); Assessment of Intelligence (Intensive format – meets five Saturdays on campus, spread throughout the semester)
Graduate with the MS and apply for entry into the EdS program.
Summer #2 – Psycho-educational Assessment (intensive meets three weekdays, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. spread across the summer); Crisis Prevention & Intervention (two-day intensive on campus and online, scheduled to coincide with the campus visit for the Psycho-Education Assessment course); Elective focused on social/emotional learning, mental health, and interventions (usually online)
Fall #2 – Response to Intervention (online); Electives focused on social/emotional learning, mental health, and interventions (online or on-campus)
Spring #2 – Practicum (in school setting); School Psych Consultation (online)
- Meet our faculty
Our two full-time core faculty, Dr. Kaira Hayes and Dr. Kylea Shoemaker, have years of experience working as school psychologists in Kansas public schools. In addition to having an EdS in School Psychology, Dr. Hayes is a licensed psychologist with a doctoral degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and Dr. Shoemaker has a doctoral degree Therapeutic Sciences.
- Application process
Applicants who wish to enter the school psychology graduate program should first apply to the MS in psychology, school psychology concentration. Upon completion of this MS program, students will be eligible to enter the EdS in school psychology program.
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Clinical Psychology is a program of the School of Applied Health Sciences at Emporia State University.
Contact us
fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5317
fas fa-envelope Have questions? Contact Kaira Hayes at
Physical Address
1701 Morse Road
Visser Hall, 3rd Floor
Main Office, Rm 327