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Chelsea Joyner

Chelsea Bell

Instructor of Psychology

Chelsea Joyner is an experimental psychologist whose research focuses on auditory perception, learning and memory using brain activity (EEG or electroencephalography) to understand these processes better. Much of her work focuses on how we learn using our hearing in conjunction with touch (or tactile) senses, and how we can train our senses to learn better.

She is finishing her doctoral degree at Kansas State University, where she is exploring individual differences in brain activity and learning strategies to understand why the phenomena of an auditory peak shift (also referred to as a perceptual “false memory”) occurs.

Chelsea began working at Emporia State University in 2024 and teaches sensation and perception, physiological psychology, introduction to the psychology major, and experimental methods and statistics courses.

Those interested in joining the STING Lab (Sensory Training In Neuroscience & Generalization) should contact Chelsea directly at