Minor - Sport Leadership + Recreation
Pursue your passion
Sport Leadership + Recreation Minor
Our minor in Sport Leadership + Recreation can help you as you begin your career. For example:
- Getting an education degree? The minor in SLR can lead the way to work in athletic administration.
- Going for an undergraduate degree in psychology? If you work with people conquering their fears when trying a new sport or recreation activity, you'll benefit by being able to address their mindset and their bodies' abilities.
This non-teaching minor consists of a minimum of 15 hours. If you choose this minor, you should consult with the chair of the department for the assignment of an advisor no later than the second semester of the your sophomore year. The advisor will work with the student to develop a contract for this minor program.
See complete requirements for a minor in sport leadership & recreation.
Required Courses (9 hrs):
- SL 100 Foundations of Sport Leadership + Recreation (3 hrs)
This course describes and interprets sport leadership and recreation services, including the nature, scope, and significance of sport leadership and recreation as a social and economic force in contemporary society. The course includes the historical and philosophical foundations of sport leadership and recreation; examination of agencies providing services, professional organizations, and career opportunities.
- SL 360 Facility Design & Management (3 hrs)
(Prerequisites, SL 100) This course is a systems approach to recreation facility management procedures, including facility design and construction, customer service, staffing, policies and procedures, use of resources, facility and programming promotions, routine and preventative maintenance, safety, emergency procedures, and evaluative techniques.
- SL 389 Event & Program Design in Sport Leadership (3 hrs)
(Prerequisite, SL 100.) This course is designed to present theory, research methods, process of program planning, promotion, organizing, implementation, and evaluation as applicable to a variety of programs. Several types of programming and promotion which serve different age groups, interests, and needs will be discussed. The scope of leadership for both professionals and volunteers will be presented in terms of their relationship to programming and promotion. The development of critical thinking toward the implementation of recreation programming and promotion will be introduced.

You have support
At Emporia State University, we’re here to help you achieve your educational and career goals. All new ESU students are automatically members of the Stinger Success Program.
Take action
Phone + Email
fas fa-user Natalie Bird, Director of Sport Leadership + Recreation
fas fa-phone-alt 620-341-5950
fas fa-envelope-open nbird@emporia.edu
Mailing Address
Health, Physical Education, + Recreation
Emporia State University
1 Kellogg Circle
Campus Box 4036
Emporia, KS 66801
Health, Physical Education, + Recreation
1720 Morse Road
HPER Building
Main Office, Rm 219