BS - Health & Human Performance
Health & Human Performance
BS - Health & Human Performance
The Bachelor of Science degree in Health & Human Performance offered by Health, Physical Education and Recreation at Emporia State University prepares students for positions in health promotion, strength & conditioning, personal training, public administration and related areas. Graduates take leadership roles in designing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion campaigns in various public and private agencies and institutions at local, state, and national levels. The Health & Human Performance professionals trained in this program gain the knowledge and skills to affect lifestyle choices. Employment opportunities exist in corporate, clinical/medical, not-for-profit organizations, commercial/private settings, and academic institutions.
So many career possibilities
A degree in Health and Human Performance can lead you to careers in corporate wellness, personal training/fitness facility management, strength and conditioning, cancer and cardiac rehabilitation, diabetic care/assistance, health/biometric assessment, human nutrition, community health, wellness-related philanthropy and pre-professional prep for many allied health-related programs such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and chiropractic medicine.
Program tracks
- Health Related Pre-Professional Program Preparation
The Bachelor of Science degree in Health & Human Performance is a degree that can equip students with the skills to thrive in many different graduate level professional allied health programs, such as Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Through course planning with the Health & Human Performance advisor, a student can complete the Health & Human Performance undergraduate program requirements along with completing the prerequisite requirements for the various institutions that they want to apply for after graduating (all of this in the average four-year sequence plan time frame).
The courses required for Health & Human Performance majors aid in preparation for the rigorous content faced when pursuing a professional graduate program, as well as keeping students current on professional terminology, immersing students in relevant information and developing skills pertinent to the various allied health professional post graduate programs. Health & Human Performance graduates who have gone into these professional programs comment on how well-prepared and confident they were in their abilities to achieve their academic and professional goals.
- Pre-Professional Athletic Training Preparation
Students in the Pre-Professional Athletic Training track of the Health & Human Performance program will complete all of the prerequisites for our master's in Athletic Training program, including biology, chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, physiology of exercise, kinesiology, and nutrition. Students in HHP will learn valuable hands-on skills and patient care to better prepare them for the professional competencies required as an athletic training student in ESU's MSAT Program.

You have support
At Emporia State University, we’re here to help you achieve your educational and career goals. All new ESU students are automatically members of the Stinger Success Program.
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Program Requirements
- Admission requirements
1. Prospective Health & Human Performance majors must meet all University requirements and be admitted to Emporia State University.
2. Prospective Health & Human Performance majors must complete an application for admission to the Health & Human Performance program after they have completed the first eight hours of the Health & Human Performance core classes with a C or better. This application must be accompanied by Major’s Agreement Form, which must be signed and dated.
3. Prospective Health & Human Performance majors must have an overall GPA of 2.5 and a 2.75 GPA in the first eleven Health & Human Performance core hours.
4. If a student does not meet the above criteria, the student may petition to be placed on probation for one semester and may reapply at the end of that semester to be removed from probation.
5. If the student does not meet the above criteria by the end of the probationary semester, the student will not be admitted to the Health & Human Performance program.
6. Any student who has committed a felony will not be admitted to the Health & Human Performance program.
Please contact Jessica Schumann, 620-341-5948, to schedule an appointment to learn more about the Health & Human Performance program.
- Degree requirements
- Application Deadlines
Complete the Application Form and Major's Agreement Form (done in-person with an advisor).
Application for admission into the Health & Human Performance program must be received by October 1 for Spring acceptance and March 1 for Fall acceptance.