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Devan Flegler

Devan Flegler

Director for Special Population Student Experience + Admissions Operations of Admissions




Education (degree)

Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from Fort Hays State University
Master of Science in Education from Fort Hays State University

Favorite spot on campus

My favorite spot on campus to visit is Wooster Lake. It’s a great place to take in a view and relax.

Favorite thing about ESU

The size of campus. It’s small enough that you get to know all of your professors and classmates but big enough that there is always plenty of activities to keep yourself entertained!

Favorite thing about the city of Emporia

One of the best things about Emporia is its strong sense of community. The city has a welcoming, small-town atmosphere where people genuinely support one another.

Advice for future Hornets

Don't hesitate to get involved on campus. Whether it's through a club or intramural activities, you'll have the chance to meet plenty of future friends by participating in campus events!

Fun fact

Bananas Are Berries, But Strawberries Aren't!