Academic Success
Academic gut check
I read or review my notes before class
- 0-Never
- 1-25% of classes
- 2-50% of classes
- 3-75% of classes
- 4-Always!
I attend class
- 0-Never
- 1-25% of classes
- 2-50% of classes
- 3-75% of classes
- 4-Always!
I budget my time
- 0-Budget???
- 1-Rarely
- 2-Depends
- 3-Often
- 4-Like a boss!
How many campus academic resources can you name?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4 or more
How many of those resources have you used?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4 or more
Overall, the best emoji description of my academic life is ...
😢 | 😞 | 😐 | 😊 | 🤩
Academic Success Tools
Review notes
Review your notes for 10 minutes within 24 hours of every class – it is a powerful study strategy. If you do not already do this, start today and make it a commitment!
Attend Class
Go to class. Attendance improves performance – but attendance is just the first step. Actively participate, too! This means: come prepared, answer questions, and ASK questions.
Budget Time
We all have the same checking account when it comes to TIME – 24 hours a day, 7 days a get the idea. Know where you are spending your time and make sure that spending aligns with your priorities and goals. Write it down. Make a schedule. Stick to it.
Academic Resources
Know what they are at ESU and then USE them. Your advisor, your professors, ACES, the Writing Center, the library, resource rooms for your major, Student Wellness, Student Recreation, learning commons, etc. etc
Be Honest
When assessing your academic performance – be honest with yourself, your advisor, your professors, and other folks on campus. Many are here to help, but knowing the true story will lead to the best outcomes.