Committees Directory
Learn more about campus committees
Affirmative Action Advisory Council
Committee Charge
Assists and advises the Affirmative Action Officer in the planning, development, and implementation of the affirmative action program; review ESU’s affirmative action policy including the affirmative action plan and recommend changes as needed; and serve as liaison to the various segments of the campus.
Curriculum Review Panel
Committee Charge
Provides university-wide review of curricular changes and works to mediate objections by departments or others to proposed curricular changes. If the mediation does not result in approval by all parties involved, a recommendation by the panel is made to the VPAA who makes the final decision.
Faculty Research and Creativity Board
Committee Charge
Establishes guidelines, oversees, and reviews institution-wide research and creativity research and creativity of the schools/colleges and divisions. It works with the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research who is directly responsible for enhancing faculty research and creativity activities in the university.
Ethnic and Gender Studies Steering Committee
Committee Charge
The purpose of the Ethnic and Gender Studies Steering Committee is to serve as a policymaking body for matters concerning the Ethnic and Gender Studies program: to approve courses for the Ethnic and Gender Studies minor and the Ethnic, Gender, and Identity Studies major; and to plan and promote programming, activities, and awards sponsored by the Ethnic and Gender Studies program.
Institutional Board of Human Subjects
Committee Charge
The Institutional Review Board for Treatment of Human Participants is composed of six regular members, with one member being non university personnel, which is consistent with federal requirements. A quorum of the Board is four. Although only a favorable majority vote is necessary for approval, the Board strives for a unanimous decision by suggesting changes or additions in procedure that satisfy objections raised by Board members.
Special Events Board
Committee Charge
To provide students and the university community at large with university-wide events which heighten cultural awareness. Recommendations are made by the board based upon funding requests from student organizations, university divisions, and community groups. It also has the responsibility for producing a monthly calendar of events.
The Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Committee
Committee Charge
The Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (URSCA) committee works to enhance the quality and increase the quantity of undergraduate research activities on our campus. The primary duties of the committee are to manage the ESU Summer Undergraduate Research Program and help plan the ESU Research and Creativity Day.
Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities Committee
Committee Charge
The Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities (URSCA) committee works to enhance the quality and increase the quantity of undergraduate research activities on our campus. The primary duties of the committee are to manage the ESU Summer Undergraduate Research Program and help plan the ESU Research and Creativity Day.
Learning Technologies Advisory Committee
Committee Charge
Emporia State University is committed to shared governance and to providing quality service to those who use learning technologies in the furtherance of education and meeting the needs of the State of Kansas. This committee is established in the interests of providing two-way communication between the users of these technologies and the providers.
Basic Needs Coalition
Committee Charge
To collaborate on addressing issues that are barriers to Emporia State University students’ success both inside and outside the classroom, including food and housing insecurity. This group is tasked with identifying and advising on best practices and facilitating coordination between different areas of campus to address the basic needs of ESU students