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Department of Music Choir Ensembles

Expand your appreciation of vocal music, Classical to Contemporary

ESU choirs strive to expand the appreciation of vocal music in our community and to create a space for musicians to perform and develop musicianship.

The choirs are made up of ESU students, faculty and community members.

If you are interested in being a part of the choir program, please email Dr. Joshua Donaldson at

Choir Ensembles

Chamber Choir

Rehearses Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00-1:50 p.m.

Audition and concurrent enrollment in A Cappella Choir required. Full year commitment.

Chamber Choir is the top choral group at Emporia State University. Made up of a select 12-24 voices, this group is open to all undergraduate and graduate students by audition.

The ensemble performs four to eight concerts per year on campus as well as off-campus in various venues.

The Chamber Choir specializes in chamber choral works and covers a broad range of music from Renaissance to contemporary.

This ensemble provides you with a rigorous and challenging experience of rehearsing and performing choral music at a high artistic level.

A Cappella Choir

Rehearses Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 1:00-1:50 p.m.

Audition required. Full year commitment.

ESU’s all-campus mixed choir, A Cappella Choir, is the flagship choral ensemble of the university and is open to all undergraduate and graduate students by audition. A Cappella Choir is comprised of singers from all majors.

This ensemble provides you with a rigorous and challenging experience of rehearsing and performing choral music at a high artistic level. With a rich regional, national and international performance history, the ESU A Cappella Choir sings a wide variety of standard choral literature from numerous eras and diverse cultures.

Emporia Chorale

Rehearses Mondays 7:00-8:50 p.m.

No audition required. Open to anyone in the community.

Comprised of ESU students of all majors and choral enthusiasts from the Emporia area, the Emporia State Chorale is a non-auditioned ensemble made up of singers who share a common love and passion for singing choral music in a variety of styles.

The Emporia State Chorale performs on campus and throughout the community.

This ensemble also provides music education majors and conductors-in-training the opportunity to work with a choir in a rehearsal setting.

Choir at Emporia State University

Video length 4:33


The Dr. James E. & Helen R. Williams Choral Performance Music Fund was established at the ESU Foundation to aid the Choir Program in the purchasing of music for all of the ensembles.

To learn more or give a gift to the Dr. James E. And Helen R. Williams Choral Performance Music Fund at the ESU Foundation, contact Angela Fullen at (620) 341-6465.

Ticket Information

  • Tickets are sold at the door.
  • $5 General Admission.
  • $4 Students/Seniors.
  • Children 12 and Under Free.

Other Information

  • Come a few minutes early to purchase your ticket at the lobby.
  • You will receive a program with all the concert information.
  • Please turn off or silent your cell phone to eliminate distractions during the concert.
  • Children are welcome to attend concerts. If they start to get too noisy or restless, you are welcome to go to the back with them or exit for a few minutes.
  • When to clap? The tradition is to clap after a whole piece of music is over. If there are several movements in a piece, we hold the applause until the last one is done. This allows for musicians to concentrate and prepare for changes into the next movement.